Use an ad-filled browser controlled by a megacorp, with an engine built by another megacorp?
Hmmm, I dunno
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Use an ad-filled browser controlled by a megacorp, with an engine built by another megacorp?
Hmmm, I dunno
Even better. After you've explicitly triggered the default change MS is like "have you tried the all new megacorp spyware? It's not actually new, but identical to the spyware we already installed and absolutely nothing has changed in the last 10 seconds since you made the decision, but we figured we'd throw another churn barrier at you because fuck you; we own your OS. You're our product now bitch, and that's all you'll ever be"
Sad but true
Don't forget the OS built by a megacorp snorkeling up all your data anyways
..that they ask you to actually pay for the privilege. Because remember, windows isn't actually free (and you pay for it if you buy a pre-built).
Edge started itself on boot after a recent Windows update. It even had a little pop-up about how "helpful" it was to have it start right when my computer turns on so I can "get to browsing" faster. It's never been set as my default. Uhg.
Make sure you go into the settings and turn everything off. It'll run in the background and do God knows what even though you've turned off startup.
And then on next update go turn it off again, since they'll enable everything again. Rinse and repeat for eternity. Or switch to Linux and be done with their shenanigans.
Well, I switched to Edge for work with the latest Chrome update (since internal apps were Chromium only), and was pleasantly surprised. It actually let me turn off almost all the junk, and is responsive in a way I haven’t seen in a Chromium browser in years.
Safari and Firefox for personal use though, and nothing compelling to make me change that.
The performance is pretty on-par with other major browsers now, but it is the obscene amount of popups built into the browser that irritates me.
I use edge for work every day, what popups?
Once you set it up it's fine, but on first opening you have to click through a bunch of menus (no, I don't want to share data, no I don't want to sync my account, and so on). In other browsers it's a small popup in the corner which you can ignore, and just google what you wanted to google. In edge they're fullscreen and you have to click no on each one.
Probably a rather unique problem because I regularly set up new machines, most people just go through it once and never see it again.
Don’t worry Gill it will set itself back as default next Tuesday
I've never had that happen. Either the US version of Windows is fucked, or people are bullshitting hard.
I'm in the US and have never ran into half of the stuff people say MS forces on them on a daily basis.
I think this has a lot to do with what license you bought. My old Win8 Pro key install has never had ads and shit pop back up or re-enable candy crush or whatever. One of our shitty laptops at work with a win10 home license I absolutely dread updating because there is some new bullshit nearly every time.
What does "built for Windows 10" even mean? It's just a browser. It's even cross platform.
Almost everything that runs on Windows was built for Windows. So it's a true statement, but pointless. That's like BF Goodrich advertising their tires as "built for cars".
Edge was a win when it first came out. It had its own rendering engine, was fast and svelte.
Now it’s just another bloated Chrome clone overstuffed with privacy-invading marketing features.
Same story every time. Something good turns into shit because they need to add marketing.
I'm shocked Microsoft hasnt fucked up VS Code yet. Someone much smarter than average is running that team at Microsoft.
Oh now you've gone and jinxed it.
Edge is pretty good...
...for downloading Firefox.
I wouldn't even use a proprietary browser if they'd pay me for it. Let alone a chromium based one.
This joke was funny when Chrome was superior, but now Edge is actually better.
maybe, but they are both proprietry spyware and chromium based. firefox is better than both
Windows put a full page ad for windows 11 before my computer started, I'm never upgrading. Hope to God Linux gaming gets better by 2025
linux gaming is basically there at this point proton can run most games flawlessly unless you wanna play games with hyper aggressive drm or anticheat it mostly "just works"
It needs a larger user base before companies will make the native version for it
By not switching you play into a self fulfilling prophecy
Y'all I dislike forced browser adoption as much as the next guy.
And I've been using Firefox for years and years and years now.
But, I'm forced to use edge for work. And, as a browser purely, none of the anti-trust baggage attached....
It's really not too bad. A lot of things work just fine. And sometimes, if I'm having weird performance on a website on a personal device, loading the same URL in edge has resulted in improved/expected functionality of the website
Yes, when I have used Edge it's been absolutely fine. Probably better than Chrome. I'd likely be quite happy to use it most of the time if it wasn't for the fact that Microsoft are so intent on forcing me to do so.
I mostly use Vivaldi now which I think is by far the best of the Chromium-based browsers.
Gee Bing. You really are pathetic. Respect yourself dude.
Sorry Gil, it's still chromium ;c
I switched from Chrome to Edge and initially was really impressed. But then Microsoft had to go and Bing it all up. So now it’s back to Firefox after a 15 year hiatus.
I really liked Edge like a year or two ago. It seems they are trying to destroy it as fast as possible.
Fuck no, I'm not particularly a fan of how it forces itself on you like Brock Turner (the rapist).
It can go and join IE in whatever pit of hell we threw IE in
If you wanna say that Chrome is trash and people should use Firefox, Opera, Safari or whatever else is currently trending among privacy focused people that I can agree with (Even if I personally won't make the switch)
But Edge is NOT the answer, Edge is NEVER the answer. At this point I'm starting to wonder if all these Edge people in here are being paid by MS
The weirder thing is I was replacing a users desktop the other day and updating default apps. Edge did its usual "pleas love me" bit but then so did Windows Mail as I was changing it to Outlook 365 of all things..
People might have used it if MS didn't try cramming it down peoples' throats, and if they didn't add so much b~~l~~ing.