I was thinking 'bunblebee', but i like yours better.
I registered as an auntie on r/auntienetwork. Haven't been needed in that capacity yet, but my door is open. Speaking of... is there a similar community here? If not, would there be an interest in spinning something like that up?
Brahm's lullaby was the one mom would hum to me and would buy music boxes with it.
Blackbird by the Beatles was the one I wanted to sing to my kids if I'd ever had any.
I can respect this. Beats racking my brain every night trying to think of what I want to eat.
Too busy putting cats into cradles?
That bird was just farting glitter. Rules for thee, not for me?
It's posted elsewhere in the comments
Don't forget your pencil^scarf^
I did both when learning but did have to separate them because thinking about all the things, clutch, gears, RPM, mirrors, traffic, pedestrians was too much all together at first. I drove my grandma's automatic to get used to driving on the road in traffic, and I drove my dad's manual around empty parking lots, fairgrounds, etc until I was comfortable with the car. Then I moved on to driving dad's car in traffic.
I loved driving manual, but my husband can't drive one, so if we took my car somewhere on a trip, I had to commit to being the driver the whole time. I gave it up after my job required me to do a lot of driving in bad traffic. For fun I will get one as a rental if we travel somewhere that has them commonly available to rent. I've had to convince well-meaning but somewhat judgy rental clerks to not upgrade me to automatic and that yes I did know that I selected manual when I made the booking.
Closeup of trypophobic nightmare
(that was the joke) 😉
Agreed! I don't put bills there for that reason. I used to be the finance director for a large community event, very cash dependant. And we definitely got nasty sweaty boob money, money soaked in beer, you name it. The cash counting machines had trouble with it, so a lot had to be hand counted. Handling so much cash with mystery wetness was one of the less pleasant aspects of the job.