You seriously recommend Nestlé? One of the most evil companies out there. If any deserves to get a boycott, it's Nestlé.
Bro we're already living in one. Might as well have some fun shooting zombies in your dreams instead of doomscrolling in reality.
I'd order the sweater with the text "the hardest part about a zombie apocalypse is pretend I'm not excited".
I need a pass code to log into my pc and my phone. I have biometrics enabled to unlock my password manager after that.
Replaced by teenager Musketeers, like in his doge department.
Yeah, spreading hate, fake news and tearing down a government is fine, discussing who is behind this is against their policy due to "doxing and supporting violence".
Back in the day, I did this with an entire discography while I was on holiday (left pc on for downloading, forgot winamp was still playing as my amp was off). When I got back, I was the top Air listener on LastFM (kept track of listened songs) by far. I held the title for many years until I removed my account.
I thought bees were good at spelling.
How would you lose them? Mine are stored in Proton pass, with biometric unlock on my phone and pc, and with a backup login code on paper locked away. My 2FA (Google authenticator, yeah I need to change to non-google, I know) is backed up on my backup phone. The password database is also backed up (offline, locked away and password protected).
Yeah, well. Out of everybody on this planet, who expected it to be Israel to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing after what happened to their people during WW2. Working for a holocaust museum probably means you're on the side of Israel so I'm not shocked someone would say such horrible things. This is the reason why we never learn from our history. Here in NL we remember the fallen during WW2 and say "NEVER AGAIN" while at the same time sending weapons to Israel. Writers of dystopian books: "so I guess I'm a journalist now".
You type in passwords? Better use a password manager with random generated passwords, plus 2FA. Only copy-paste passwords and make it extremily hard to brute-force one, or have one stolen which can be used on other platforms because you use the same all over. Only unique long gibberish hidden behind a biometric lock, double protected with 2 factor Auth.
When I order nationally it ships today, arrives tomorrow. When I order from a neighboring country it takes 1 to 2 days longer. Just don't order from China.