I recently saw a documentary that talked about conditions at EA even back in the 90's turns out I never cared for an EA game ever. I cared about the studios making them despite the fact that EA made ridiculously stupid choices.
So kann man Meinung haben. Ist dann eben doof. Ja es gibt mehr als nur ein Problem zu lösen, nein nur weil wir militärisch gerade mehr Material haben heißt das nicht das es reicht. Russland ist nämlich schon dabei das ganze Zeug immer weiter zu produzieren. Wir haben dafür stand jetzt nicht ausreichend möglichkeit. Wir sollten die Kapazitäten dazu aber haben bevor es gebraucht wird. Klimakrise und andere Probleme hin oder her. Das wird jetzt eben ein Spagat.
Das Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit heißt in dem Fall Ralf Ludwig und kann weg. Mehr gibt es bei dem geschwurbel auch icht mehr zu sagen.
You don't say...
Hab ich da weiter verteilen gelesen? Supi! Das ist einfach!
"Lindner fühle sich vom Titelblatt der Ausgabe 01/2025 in seiner Persönlichkeit verletzt. Die Darstellung überschreite die Grenzen der Kunstfreiheit, so der überzeugte Free-Speech-Befürworter Lindner."
Ich versteh das Problem nicht... Das ist doch genau die freie Meinungsäußerung von der er geredet hat.
The thing is, the worker is part of the company. If you say that no one from that company is allowed to get into your home that worker can't do it's job either. Mozilla doesn't need access but the worker from them needs it if they are supposed to do their jobs. It's why legally speaking companies can be handles as if they were persons.
It's the difference between an explicit permission and an implicit permission. Let's put that into the real world for a second. If you want someone to do work in your home to get something done on your behalf you need to tell that person what you want and where you want it. You also need to allow them to come into your home otherwise they can't do their job. All of that happens implicitly in the real world but in the digital world it needs to be written out like that.
In yet other words: it's not about Mozilla wanting your data it's about their service needing it to work at all. You not giving Firefox permission to use your data is akin to asking an electrician if he can do some work but refusing to give any information on what needs doing, or where.
That sounds like unencrypted communication with extra steps. Why not skip all of that and just give them an unencrypted service anyone can read and use. While we are at it, getting rid of those pesky passwords and unwieldy usernames is also a great idea. What could go wrong... I mean CLEARLY no one has anything to hide...
BP or rather Burning Planet.
The executive tends to lean right in any given country. If anything they are motivated to oblige and let that fuckwit in. On red carpet no less.
Keine Selfies? Was für Lappen, nicht mal bereit immerhin für 30 Sekunden gefälschte gute Laune zu verbreiten.