Free sauna without a high electricity costs. Sounds like a win to me!
Ich habe einen ganz günstigen Kreuzlinienlaser von Parkside (Lidl) und war damit immer sehr zufrieden. Hat mir beim Trockenbau und Fliesen legen super geholfen. Lediglich das mitgelieferte Stativ ist m.E. zu klein. Da es aber eine normale Standard-Stativ-Aufnahme hat, konnte ich ein bereits vorhandenes von einer Kamera verwenden.
I guess this question has to be looked at from multiple dimensions.
From a purely economical and short-term perspective, maybe yes. Every human not contributing to society at an at least average level, is consuming ressources and driving up the costs. No matter if it's due to illness, disability, depression, age, weakness, missing intelligence etc.
From a social perspective, such a program quickly can turn into a nightmare: First of all, everyone would be under pressure. If you're not a constant top performer, you'd feel like a burden on society. And the bar to be a top performer would constantly rise as more and more people on the 'lower end' decide to end their lives.
Second, it's impossible to quantify the value of a person holistically. People can provide no direct economic value and still be an important member of society. Like emotionally supporting others, being loved, providing jobs etc.
Furthermore - in a society where at some point the 'weak' are expected to 'voluntarily' end their lives, people would be constantly scared. No one would be willing to take any risks because getting injured, getting a depression etc. would be like an implicit death penalty. This would again lead to devastating effects on economy.
I personally think that everyone should be allowed to end their lives if they really deeply want it. But this should never be expected, actively promoted or pushed for. And I think it should involve at least a consultation with a medical professional to avoid hasty decisions due to a temporary crisis.
I guess that depends. On GitHub it sounds like the victim is a paying customer of Google Workplace, not just some free account. I had similar genuine calls from hotels, credit card companies, an ISP, my electricity provider etc.
So yes, there are some signs that might make you suspicious, but I guess we agree that this was not just a regular everyday scam but a pretty professional, well-prepared and possibly targeted attack.
Looks very interesting and insightful. Is this fictional or authentic video material?
Does not work with the cybertruck.
Viele Wahlentscheidung werden oberflächlich getroffen und ohne große inhaltliche Abwägung. Ist heute ein Hochwasser oder eine Naturkatastrophe, wählen morgen ein paar mehr Leute grün. Verübt heute ein Migrant ein Verbrechen, hilft es der den rechten Parteien. Was vor einem Jahr war, ist bei den meisten kaum noch präsent. Solche Ereignisse kurz vor der Wahl können durchaus Leute beeinflussen.
Veganismus ist einfach die Lösung für alle Probleme! 😋
Ich nenne die Dinger selbst auch Berliner, wollte nur mitspielen, um die Gemüter weiter aufzuheizen. 👹