wonder if it's going to rat someone out by saying something along the lines of
A member of your Steam Family already owns Horny Hentai Ladies: Stupidly huge dongs GOTY
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wonder if it's going to rat someone out by saying something along the lines of
A member of your Steam Family already owns Horny Hentai Ladies: Stupidly huge dongs GOTY
this will only increase the family bonding.
Hey stepsis, wanna play some horny fuck friends later this evening?
Sir this is a Wendy's.. and I'm stuck in the dryer
Why does this Wendy's have a dryer?
It seemed like the next logical step after the fryer
There is an anime that is basically this
Gross! where?
Oreimo(My little sister can't be this cute)
Oh, thanks! That's gross, I'll stay away from that.
I’m sure Rep. Mike Johnson and his son are thrilled.
You can put those games as private
I'm still not 100% trusting that. Any time a dev comes up with a new feature like this one, they might forget to implement a check if the game is privated (or do the check and mess up properly hiding it).
Exactly. This is like someone I knew who was a CSR blowing off steam at difficult customers by hitting mute and cussing them out. Like you realize that mechanisms fail all the time, right? This dude wouldn't entertain the idea that a mute button could fail. I tried.
I did that when I worked customer support. The only way I could retain the little bit of sanity I had left. But to be honest, we were so understaffed that even if I slipped, they wouldn't have fired me. There was one guy who was so angry with a customer that he wrote their number down, and then over his break called the customer with his private phone to argue with them. Still didn't get fired, lol.
Lol holy shit. I'm sure it's a very frustrating job at times. This guy was a parent and needed his job. I don't think they would've had all that much trouble replacing him
In my case, the only reason they'd fire people is if they refused to work overtime, hah.
Honestly that’s a great analogy.
I worked briefly as a CSR and during training they made a point of telling us that people had been fired because of doing exactly that when the mute button failed. That was over a decade ago, but I wouldn’t expect increased reliability today.
More recently, a friend who is a CSR told me that their software mute buttons only prevent the audio from going to the customer, but it’s still recorded and can be grounds for termination if the call was audited. I introduced her to a microphone with a physical mute button but made sure she knew that it could also fail (or most likely, that she might be using a different connected mic, in case the hardware mute would do nothing).
Office conferencing software also has a really bad record with their software mutes. I’ve had experiences with Teams, Zoom, and Webex where I’ve clicked mute, but wasn’t muted.
The mute button should be thought of as a feature for the person on the other line / the other people on the call - you’re reducing the noise so the focus can be on the conversation - not as a feature for your privacy. You can treat Private Games similarly - it’s so you don’t subject your friends to the thought of you playing sexually themed games, not so you’re guaranteed to be saved the embarrassment of people knowing that you’re playing them.
damn, i had exactly this happen to me.
i'm very happy to be a) not working with costumers anymore and b) much more chill than i was 20 years ago.
ah, right. that's a thing.
Goes to show how little I have needed it (or how little shame I have) :P
You'd notice that when you join their steam family because it would show up in your library
If Steam or Valve ever goes public and IPOs, I'm gonna fucking kill myself.
They seem to be the only ones who aren't like going through an enshitification cycle right now.
It all comes down to who succeedes Gabe after his stepping down.
Good guy steam
This world really does not deserve Valve
And this boys is why we choose to give money to valve, and as a bonus steam sales are amazing. Valve really knows how to keep a steady income of profit and just dont fck with what works
Valve knows when they have it good and not be greedy. They are essentially a monopoly but choose not to abuse it.
valve makes more money by being decent company than many others combined who actively try to exploit users.
It needs warnings for of a game requires you to be connected to the internet to play, and if the developer has ever deactivated usage rights to their games.
Technically you have those on the Steam Deck rating
This is the kind of thing that makes poeple love valve
Good guy steam. Their family sharing beta is currently a game changer for people like me whose friends have diverse gaming interests and thus, we can try out each other’s games without the need to buy them.
How do you get isthereanydeal inside steam?
I believe it's the decky plugin for SteamOS
I might be wrong, hut this is at least a way to do it.
It's the Augmented Steam extension for your browser of choice.
Has the Steam Family update launched yet? The one that lifted the limitation on playing different games from the same account at the same time. I feel like last I saw it was in beta.
Was also wondering if anyone has a good sense on how they're policing Family Libraries. Does it work to share with close friends or am I going to want to be sure I'm sharing only with household members?
You can opt into the Family Sharing beta and get the features. You can only join one family per year so choose wisely as they say.
The one that lifted the limitation on playing different games from the same account at the same time.
That should never have been a limitation in the first place. If I have two games installed outside of Steam there's nothing stopping me from playing both at the same time, so WTF does Valve think ever justified it?
Agreed it was a chincy restriction. I'm glad they're righting that with the new Family Sharing.
something tell me the publishers are not gonna be happy about this and will try to sabotage it.
They cant do shit. What are they going to do? Stop releasing on the biggest platform?
I appreciate this, and now I'm just waiting for it to show me family library games when browsing the store. I have games on my wishlist that another family member owns. A flag that says "family library" would be appreciated - similar to "in library" and "on wishlist."
Real nice.