That looks rancid
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It looks like blue cheese but for hamburgers
And might be if that display case is just room temp all day.
Not gonna lie, I'd totally try that
For me it's like green ketchup. My eyes could just never get passed how it looked.
However I reckon if you cooked this it would smell divine, and after cooking it would look a lot less rancid.
Mincemeat can be meat ground up with dried fruit so this isn't too bad. It's the blue color that's off-putting.
I'd probably try it if it were bison or venison.
Oh yeah, bison blueberry maple would probably be really good, I can see that.
Better with pork than beef.
Berries and meat are a good combination
Did a black bear post this?
Probably would taste fine but the visual component is unsettling.
Great to make a blue waffle burger!
Folks that are oblivious to the fact they like sweet and savory.
"Shit, boss, we forgot to load these beef patties into the fridge! They've been sitting out here for like a week!"
"Wait, I have an idea..."
over 1000 of them in a single patty!
That's nasty, just what you'd expect from the food 'industry'. I get my ground beef from a small butcher shop, at least I know it's one animal.
nasty indeed. i just don't eat it at all ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Why, you could even go and meet the creature you're abusing. Possibly trick her into loving you before you kill her! She's capable of loving you, but you're not capable of loving her. And you think you're superior.
I found it too difficult to be a vegetarian, the closest I could get was being a vegetarian once removed: all the animals I eat are vegetarians.
Pemican burger?
for a sec there i thought that was mold
How would you know if there was? 🤢
Took me a whole minute of going back and forth between the sign and the patty in disbelief before I figured out it wasn't mold.
Why would they do this vs putting the maple blueberries in a sauce or buns.
WTF. Sounds disgusting.
It doesnt look great but ive had blue berries mixed into sausage and it waa really good.
When I first saw it I was put off, but thinking about it once you cook it it will probably look less rotten and taste pretty good.
That's a fucking travesty.
You should definitely heat it up to the suggested temp to make sure you kill whatever the blue shit is.
Blueberry if the sign is to be believed.
That's precisely the joke. Distrusts that it's blueberries and instead suggests it might be something else. Like gobs of mold.
Blueberries don’t make this kind of colour, so this is food dye.
It is likely the blue skins ground in and not just the reddish juice stain