Ignoring the obvious, I was not expecting that kind of money being dropped on the interior based on the photos of the exterior.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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I get a strong 'my mate's company bought too much of this for a project and asked if I wanted it for pennies on the pound so I said yeah, put it fucking everywhere' vibe
They're probably not allowed to modify the exterior at all and made the best of it for whatever reason
That's some real whiplash going from the exterior to the interior
I know right, if you could afford to do that to the interior, why on earth wouldn't you at least paint your house
It's in a shitty area. Think of the shitty exterior as camouflage. Burgler isn't going to bother with the run down shitbox house.
Yeah but if every time you open your door the neighborhood is blinded by the chandeliers reflecting off all that pearly white marble people are gonna get suspicious.
(I am so sorry, please, whatever gods there may be forgive me...)
Whoever sells this is going to lose their marbles.
And fucking hate socks apparently. Unless they're wearing the grippy kind they have in hospitals.
Oh yeah? Let me see your ceiling then!
Who are you, William Randolph Hearst?
There's a bang of drug money off this.
Somebody found out that ancient Roman emperors used marble and went all in on that McMansion lifestyle.
I love the absolute compromise on the placement of that PS5. And each stair step has its own tiny rug?
Exactly what I came to comment on. Got a TV that's half way off the wall and a ps5 hiding on the stairs just ready to take someone out.
That first photo - I though I was looking at a scrap heap that had already been gutted, covered in mould and rubbish and ripped up wall paper, before I realised that was just the tilling.. 🤯
The bedrooms don't look too offensive, but the rest is just so overwhelming and off putting.. Those stairs! I wish them luck lol
E: The more I think about it, the more I'm wondering if Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen did a revenge edition of Changing Rooms in there 😂(not just the look, but also the idea that it's all just cheap mdf painted to look like marble, rather than actual marble)
Can someone in the UK tell me how that home costs £450k? Is real estate that crazy over there or are they trying to recover the £300k they spent for the marble?
40 mins to central London on tube. Lots of green spaces near by. 2 solid square bedrooms, all the cosmetic crap easily stripped out. Hard standing for 2 cars, decent back garden. Semi detached.
The only reason it's not more is "it's Dagenham" and the general shabby state of the street.
This'll get snapped up by professional couple earning 160k+ combined willing to await the inevitable gentrification in 5/10 years.
Amazing what passes for a "decent back garden" in the UK. My "back garden" is a 1/4 acre (1000m^2 ) on a property worth $140k USD including the 1200ft^2 (120m^2 ) house.
On the downside my exterior walls are made of glue and sawdust, and my interior walls are made of paper and powdered gypsum.
That's London prices for you. That's likely the bottom end of the price scale.
Not in the UK, but I'm guessing, like real estate anywhere, high population + limited availability?
There are 9 million people living in London. 607 square miles, which means, on average, 14,827 people per square mile.
Compared to, say, San Francisco with 808,000 people in 47 square miles, 17,191 people per square mile.
Globally though, numbers like this aren't even in the top 25:
My "city" is embarrassed. 635,000 people in 145 square miles. 4,379 people per square mile. We're absolutely porous by comparison.
Reading that I had to check my area, and it's a whopping 1518 people in 205.11 square miles or about 7 people per square mile. You got us beat by a long shot.
Somebody's been recording home movies!
Much more likely that the agent just didn't want to be in the photo.
Ha ha, yeah, I forgot the photo would have needed to be taken!
Am pretty stoned, that seems completely fair to me 😂
Wait.....who took this picture?! This must be....a vampire's house!
That price is obscene. That would be £100-150K where I live. It's this some southern thing?
Inside the M25? It's almost shocking that it isn't double the price (not justifying this in any way, just making a point of how obscene housing prices have become, especially in greater London)
probably. according to zoopla it went for 365k in 2021. changing hands for this silly money is especially obscene since it would have previously been sold for a pittance under the right to buy
Jesus, that's insane. Tbh, that's the kinda house I'd want: unassuming on the outside, extravagant and surreal on the inside.
Obviously they skimped out, what with the lack of marble in the bedrooms
"Good sized rear garden"? That is a postage stamp!
Looks like early 90s raytrace renders inside.
Before seeing this I had no idea what it meant to have a tasteful home and now I know what it means to have a tasteless home.
There's so many things stuffed into this house that nothing has any flavor. I'm sure this will be useful information
Stunning? Like in, a taser stunning they mean?
Oh my gaudy
I'm sliding around just looking at it