To this day, I will never ever ever touch any Mazda products. All thanks to their dumb fucking zoom zoom advertising campaign about 20 years ago that involved their adverts playing twice during every ad break. Plus they were sponsoring shit, so it was everywhere. I feel like I still have PTSD from it. Fuck Mazda.
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Smart thinking.
Magic spoon got me. I was looking for a protein cereal so I was excited for a podcast I listen to advertise one. All the flavors are the same gross base that cut up your mouth with different artificial powders put on top. Of course I start seeing a bunch ads more after
This is partly why I don't trust Ground News. They're putting way too much money into advertising for me to believe they're genuinely interested in providing an unbiased factual categorization of news sources.
I also simply don't believe it's possible to be unbiased, so anyone claiming to be is immediately suspect to me.
Is it perfect? no but it is the best way to be able to read the news from multiple POVs. They also include every single news outlet I've ever heard of and then some
They also reinforce seeing liberal and conservative as opposites. The only good service they have is showing who sponsors which sources. However, the whole "blindspot" system seems designed as a both-sidesism
Exactly! It's really disheartening to me to see so many youtubers who are otherwise insightful be so uncritically supportive of Ground News because they "like what they're trying to do."
Usually they're science channels who just don't know any better. They're still too trusting of the system
I was blindsided by the monitor getting thought bubbles.
If they have the budget to mass advertise then that means they're earning probably 100x that, most likely directly from users.
Or they're burning through their VC funds because they're out of ideas and have no customers.
This is the rule I live by when being forced fed ads. I will actively go out of my way to not use whatever product it is.
This was exactly how I felt about the Honey scam. xD
Very first thought was "how the fuck are they making money enough to advertise??"
I heard about it, downloaded it, tried it. Then i googled for other coupons and found a better one. Deleted Honey right away for being shit.
Im surprised so many people would just trust the app immediately and not try to see if there were better coupons.
Maybe I’m just bad or slow at queries but I almost never found working coupons when I’m ready to purchase. When I used to have honey (when it somewhat worked), I got a few token percentage off compared to entering codes that were expired or otherwise no longer valid.
Granted, once Honey moved to a rewards based model I dipped out since something didn’t sit right with me about it.
Same thing here. I've been using "everything" for long enough to know not to trust.. anything.. an app is going to get the best discount available for me? Yeah, we'll just see about that. I just wasnt ever going to not search for coupons myself, so I removed it.
I tried it but never got coupons, so I made 10$ in honey gold, then I forgot about it until I saw the controversy
Most people are lazy, or don't even come up with the idea to do a web search. When they do, most non-techies don't know or struggle to write an effective search query
Only advertised product I've ever spent money on is NordVPN which is fine for my use case - avoiding geoblocking a couple of times a week. Probably switching to Mullvad soon though, because American companies can eat dirt.
But yeah, honey was always super sus. If something seems "too good to be true", maybe it is.
Funny to me because I can't recall the last time I ever saw a Mullvad ad but they had their little mole guy plastered over a bus in my (American) city. Thought it was cute and quirky because I doubt 80% of the people in my area even know what a VPN is. Better than the usual lame ads like for lawyers or health insurance.
NYC is covered with mullvad ads. pretty crazy actually
Huh, this company is spending a lot of money on marketing. Guess I'll buy from a company doing less marketing so I'll get it cheaper.
Or that is so good, they don't need anything more than word of mouth. And I mean real word of mouth, not the fake influencer shilling that relies on parasocial relationships "word of mouth"
I exclusively buy from brands that are engrained in folk lore. Unless it's literally the stuff of legends, you won't see a penny from me
I have a rule if they sponsor on multiple youtubers they are probably a scam and avoid. If i find the service interesting i search up alternatives that spend their money better