fair take, so you say additional no features at all or could you see something have potential to encourage regular posts?
maybe there could be different types of communites. Some where people contribute original stuff (main communities/most of the platform in numbers) where irregulatity doesnt matter
And some selected Rss-feed like communities with repost bots of top articles. To give you regular updates on certain topics and offer discussion for everyone in there ... I quite liked my local news sub for that (r/de): Rather than just algorithm based news apps that try to influence you the most with their headlines, I got to see what people thought of certain quoted parts in the article
.. but I see how the platform got destroyed by that too.. Idk
yeah that would be cool, doesnt reddit have that too? like on top of their point system theres like achievments like that
is it only on mastadon? i dont see posts via lemmy
what art/digital art/oil painting pages to follow there?
I kinda tried and was not convinced for art sources :( instagram i.e. is like veeeeery unmatched here in terms of helpfullness.. so many unique and helpful artists there trying very hard
r/de has alot of daily "impactful" headlines/news/articles that I dont see on dach and am not too engaged in to post (am not confident enough into politics to create post/find articles)
and like international media posts like videos of current demonstrations in i.e. serbia is what Im personally missing after a couple days of using this platform (pretty intensly tho)
Well Im too new to use my bio to its potential like that :D
Thanks for your perspective
Thanks for your perspective. I see the issues and also wish to see for more people. Ye maybe I gotta focus on growing communities more than I would normally care about ^^
Yea its really hard to not compare here. But comparing while in the 'growing' stage of the platform is very wrong.
Ive noticed too and after some time I will maybe understand more in how to see and use lemmy. I just wish it was instantly as fullfilling as reddit was in terms of content
haha thats what I thought about too over the night today. Like maybe its better that art platforms are more on photo platforms.
I wish there was a strong competitor for instagram, platform was so destroyed and alienated. Ive seen flashes by bluesky devs is coming, but looks like the algorithm will decide how good it will be... and of course... lots of users on instagram which will be a while until the variety of content will be competitive with
lots of holes compared to the subs on reddit. I feel like important headlines are just missing and its more niche posts here. which is sad because I really like photon/lemmy so far!
Maybe these sites need a repost bot for at least like the top10 daily posts from the sub - I know its a very heated topic, just wanted to see how others would feel about different approaches
wow free tube looks promising. I hate how youtube is a monopoly - glad theres tools like this with the right intent