Correlation map with AfD votes next?
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I wish racoons were less into human trash and more into trash humans as nutrition.
Maybe we can train them
That would solve so many issues. Then they would actually be as cute as they look.
Nazicoons are plotting
maybe it's just inverse population density map
Inverse population density maps correlate often with how well the AfD performs in elections and polls.
I'm on team raccoon here I don't see the problem
TIL. I was confused because I thought raccoons were an American thing. It turns out the Nazis imported them for furs, and some escaped. Now Germany has a bunch of Raccoons.
I thought that this number seemed not so big, but that my perception might be skewed due to the chosen scale and an inability to imagine an process how big the depicted areas are, so I looked up the development of raccoon population in Germany (I read the german Wikipedia).
So, first of all, one of the major relevant incidents was pure greed. A poultry breeder released a couple of raccoons into the wild so that they would populate the area and pelt prices could go down because expensive imports would become unnecessary. I hate humans, especially the rich ones.
Second, according to a publication from 2011, at that time the population of raccoons in Germany size was estimated to be around half a million individuals and that each year, 300k animals would have to be killed if the population sized was to be reduced with a lasting effect. Although, that might not be enough, as research shows, after a 2007 distemper epidemic killed 80% of the female raccoon population in Müritz National Park, the year after more raccoons were counted than before the outbreak.
Third, we need the wolf back. As shown by the example before, raccoon populations are extremely resilient and also in north american raccoon populations hunting shows to be not only not a major cause of death, it was insignificant. In Germany, the lack of natural predators like the wolf is benefitting the expansion of some invasive species like raccoons, american minks or raccoon dogs (who are not raccoons) and also has an influence of growing populations of native species into overpopulations. Hunting and roadkill incidents alone shows to be not effective enough (at least in areas that are not destroyed habitats due to human expansion).
Europe brings rats to invade de sewers, America counterattacks by sending trash pandas
So they dug out the Klapstuhl? (Only germans understand this reference)
I'm puzzled by how a hectare can be determined to have 0.1 raccoons in it, like is it part of a 10 hectare region with a single 'coon or is the animal migratory and spends a tenth of its time in that particular hectare?
Anyhow raccoons are great when they're screaming bloody murder at each other at night, and also when they amble up to you curiously during the day. Sorry they are competing with Germany's, what, native badger population? What is the raccoon niche equivalent over there
You mean, is the racoon transtemporal or transdimensional...
...i put it to you that there's only ever been a single racoon in Germany, it's just very fast.
Probably the original data was per sqkm.
Oh okay yeah that makes sense
I love the unit, R/ha.
We can do better than 0.1 R/ha though? What's the R/ha of other countries?
1 deciracoon per hectare.
~~10 milliracoons (mR) per m²~~
10µR/m² (micro raccoons) or 0.01 mR/m² (milliracoons)
Isn't it 0.01 mR/m²?
Or 10 microracoons per m².
Let's think
0.1 R = 1 dR = 10 cR = 100 mR = 100 000 µR / 1 ha = 10 000 m²
Yes, you appear to be correct, my bad, quick zeroes didn't add up
The fuckers reached Belgium by 2023… Those pests are everywhere and wrecking havoc both in suburbs and rural areas.
So I live in one of the barely-still-gray areas from 2020. I.e. we're obviously colonized by now. And the neighbors now refuse to clean up the garage because they might disturb the gworing family of raccoons living within. And we obviously can't force them to do anything.
The black spaces on the 2020 map kinda look like a rabbit. Geez, you'd think they'd invade in a pattern that resembles a raccoon. SMH
It’s always fascinating to learn of the little differences. Lack of peanut butter. And, apparently, a lack of trash pandas patrolling your trash bins, until now.
I'm a bit confused. Every German supermarket has peanut butter. Most multiple kinds, like with or without crunch, certified organic, with cottonseed oil, etc.. Did you have a different experience?
It is available, but unlike in the US it is not something you would find in almost every household. And I would bet you it would be easier to find an individual who hasn't tried peanut butter even once than finding someone who has.
What are you talking about, peanut butter is available everywhere in Germany.
The racoon wars are no joke. Lost my brother to the raccoons in a op gone bad.
Fuckers do a better job than Russia.
They still pale in comparasion to Putin's oligarchs.
Yesssss. Invade us harder! Racoons for everyone! I love those cute Lil trashpandas 😍
Procyon lotor are only native to North America and are listed as an invasive species in the EU.
Everybody loves raccoons, the animal embodiment of one’s indomitable, anarchic trash-goblin spirit!
(5 seconds later) We regret to inform you that the presence of raccoons in Europe is a legacy of Hitler
That might not be as far from the truth as you might think. In 1945, a few individuals escaped a pelt farm (fuck humans) near Berlin due to an unknown cause and some hypothesize a bomb dropped during an air raid could have destroyed an enclosure.
IIRC, encouraging raccoon farming was a specific NSDAP policy, and may have started in the Nazi era.
Speaking as an American, you won't be saying that once they invade your attic. Trust me, you do not want this.
There's a joke there about German attics, but I'm not a good enough comedian to make that without it being horribly offensive... So I won't.
Well, the map shows them working their way towards Poland . . .
They are cute, but they're just bloodthisty toddler-sized hobos. They prey on small dogs and cats or fight them for territory, they eat chickens, they destroy fucking everything, and they can carry and spread rabies. They will rip up plants, tear siding off your house, pull up paving stones, and even break windows. Just imagine a hostile drifter on your property trying to fuck it up as hard as possible out of spite for you, and that's about right.
Man when my first kid was little those fuckers would get into our trash all the time. You know how much fun it is cleaning ripped-up dirty diapers off your front yard?
Anyway I whipped up some pepper spray and poured it all over the can. They never came back. Worked a lot better than shooting them with bb guns.
Yuk, i would find the diapers disgusting even before they're in the trash :-) They couldn't reach our trash, so that would not be a problem. Also between our current situation of population (they live here? at all? WOW!) and yours are many decades. So i might enjoy the way towards your situation :)
They're fun as long as they're not out to get you. I love the little anarchists but please stay out of my shit thanks ;D
Generally, you won't encounter them much unless you're near available food at night. If they do start showing up, film em, they're entertaining.
I guess it would take a looong time before they'd ever show up here at my doorstep. I live in a city, not rural. But i fucking would film them, i have surveillance cameras all around anyway :)
And yeah i probably wouldn't love them fucking my trash up, but i also couldn't be mad at them. It's our fault they're here, i can't judge or hate them for that.