Ah yes the people who ran their video games on DOS are being left behind.
Help son, how do I open this app?!? With my finger???
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
Ah yes the people who ran their video games on DOS are being left behind.
Help son, how do I open this app?!? With my finger???
I feel both cuddled and attacked
Most of the kids I know who have this attitude would also call IT if they accidentally opened the Command Prompt or BIOS.
I stood in line for VHS tapes. I also know that the blockchain is slow as hell and that cryptocurrency is glorified gambling for people with too much money - and I had a friend in the early 2000s that was trying to make a Bitcoin exchange.
The real brain melter was the societal culture shift.
I grew up witnessing "the end of history" with my own eyes. People were getting wiser and kinder year after year, decade after decade. It was like a feedback loop of positive changes, the only way was up.
Then 2010s hit and I'm still processing the 180 degrees shift. I read dozens of books about nazis, authoritarianism, societal memory, cults, fucking roman empire. But I still have cognitive dissonance every time I open news feed.
The real brain melter was the societal culture shift.
I grew up witnessing “the end of history” with my own eyes. People were getting wiser and kinder year after year, decade after decade. It was like a feedback loop of positive changes, the only way was up.
Then 2010s hit and I’m still processing the 180 degrees shift.
Fucking thank you! This has been hard for me to put into words. (I'm on the older end of Gen-X)
Facebook and unregulated social media. Up to now most governments in the world don't even have a clue or idea that the internet is a very powerful tool that should actually be regulated because there are very evil people who will always act in bad faith to manipulate others for power and control. The Golden era of the internet is definitely over, I think 2016 was a defined shift that will be recorded by historians.
But crypto is borderline useless that consumes more electricity than the entire AI industry while enabling alot of illegal activities and money laundering. I was quite susprised when my drug money found their way into normal people's lives.
It's not "brain melting". Even watching the internet go from "this is super neat, and way cool" (For nerds) to "Well, it's ALL going through enshittification now" wasn't "brain melting", it's just what happens under capitalism.
Older X'er here - I keep telling my wife - for all the shit we've had to live through, we damn sure better get first contact with ET in our lifetimes too!
Best I can do is "ET" for the Atari 2600
I still have PTSD about the pits in that game!
Im still not convinced that crypto is worth it. It seems like just about everyone either loses money in crypto or makes very little, chasing a dream laid out to them by some youtuber who is part of the very small group to make any nice amount from it. Just seems too volatile and sketchy
It's a decentralized pyramid scheme. It's a way for the rich to syphon money from the gullible and gambling addicts.
That's all there is to it, it's not really hard to understand.
everyone either loses money in crypto or makes very little
And this is why people misunderstand crypto. The point isn't to make money, and it never was. Profiteers have twisted it into that to make a quick buck from pump and dump schemes, but it shouldn't be considered "investing" in any sense of the word.
Cryptocurrency should have two primary uses:
BTC transaction costs are way to high and slow for #1, so it's unlikely to get enough volume of regular transactions to even out valuations. The lightning network helps, but I think it also has problems. And unfortunately, coins with lower transaction costs that should scale better either get banned (e.g. privacy coins in some areas) or don't catch on.
I'm still holding out hope that it'll stabilize and become useful for transactions, but I'm not putting any significant money in until that happens because I don't see it as an investment.